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Charity Skydive for Macmillan Palliative Care Unit

Later this year Lee Blemings, Sales Co-ordinator, at Hoard-it will be heading up to ten thousand feet, to take part in a charity skydive.

Charity Skydive for Macmillan Palliative Care Unit hoard-itCharity Skydive for Macmillan Palliative Care Unit hoard-it

In early 2020, during the pandemic, Nigel Marshall, a member of Lee’s family was diagnosed with lung cancer. Due to the restrictions in place at that time, Nigel had to attend many hospital appointments by himself. The unit Nigel was cared within unfortunately had a C19 outbreak.  Therefore, Nigel decided to spend his remaining time with his family. He was given exceptional care by the palliative care team, who regularly made visits to his home to care for him and support his family during this difficult time.

After Nigel lost his battle with cancer in November 2020, Lee and his family discussed doing something that was totally outside of their comfort zone to raise money for Macmillan. Lee had always wanted to do a skydive and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to thank those at the Palliative Care Unit at Pinderfields hospital for all of their kindness and superb work.

When asked why he wanted to do a charity skydive, Lee said, “I’m nervous, excited and have never been so scared to do anything so much in my life, but like me, many people have lost family, friends and even neighbours to cancer. The palliative care team did an amazing job through what must be so challenging a time for everyone. This seemed like the perfect way to say thank you.”

Both Lee and his cousin, Debbie Marshall, will be taking part in a tandem charity skydive at the beginning of September 2023 in Durham and all of the money from their Just Giving Page will be donated to the Macmillan Palliative Care Unit.

Please donate here to support Lee.